Data ownership at IFPRI
IFPRI is the owner of any data produced from its research, subject to provisions in the contracts under which the data are collected. As such, IFPRI holds the sole right to transfer the data and/or make it publicly available.
Data licensing
Before making data publicly available, licenses should be assigned to datasets. A license defines what users can or cannot do with datasets. There are different licenses that can be applied to datasets. IFPRI fully supports open access to its knowledge products including datasets. Therefore, IFPRI makes data publicly available according to open data standards and licenses its products under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)
This license allows users to share, reuse, remix, and build upon prior work, even commercially, as long as the original creation is properly attributed.
If CC BY 4.0 is not appropriate for a dataset, we recommend exploring other licenses that are more open or closer to CC BY 4.0. To access common license types for datasets, click here. Also, access a quick guide on how to select a suitable open license by clicking here.