Journal Article
Front-of-pack labels and young consumers: An experimental investigation of nutrition and sustainability claims in Chile
2025Fretes, Gabriela; Wilson, Norbert L.W.; Corvalan, Camila; Economos, Christina D.; Cash, Sean B.
Journal Article
Rural institutions and the technical efficiency of teff production in Ethiopia
2025Hailu, Getu; Weersink, Alfons; Minten, Bart
Journal Article
Storage management practices and mycotoxin contamination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in northwest Ethiopia
2025Sadik, J.A.; Righetti, L.; Fentahun, N.; Brouwer, Inge D.; Tessema, M.; Abera, M.; van der Fels-Klerx, H.J.
Journal Article
Global shocks to fertilizer markets: Impacts on prices, demand and farm profitability
2025Vos, Rob; Glauber, Joseph W.; Hebebrand, Charlotte; Rice, Brendan
Journal Article
Maize yield responsiveness and profitability of fertilizer: New survey evidence from six African countries
2025Ragasa, Catherine; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Asante, Seth; Amare, Mulubrhan; Ma, Ning; Olanrewaju, Opeyemi; Duchoslav, Jan
Journal Article
Fertilizer demand and profitability amid global fuel-food-fertilizer crisis: Evidence from Ethiopia
2025Assefa, Thomas W.; Berhane, Guush; Abate, Gashaw T.; Abay, Kibrom A.
Journal Article
Estimating the direct and indirect effects of improved seed adoption on yields: Evidence from DNA-fingerprinting, crop cuts, and self-reporting in Ethiopia
2025Jovanovic, Nina; Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob
Journal Article
Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar
2025Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Minten, Bart; van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Goeb, Joseph; Aung, Zin Wai; Htar, May Thet
Journal Article
Adapting the Women's Empowerment in Nutrition Index: Lessons from Kenya
2025Lentz, E.; Jensen, Nathaniel D.; Lepariyo, Watson; Narayanan, S.; Bageant, E.
Journal Article
Adapting the women’s empowerment in nutrition index: Lessons from Kenya
2025Lentz, Erin; Jensen, Nathan; Lepariyo, Watson; Narayanan, Sudha; Bageant, Elizabeth
Journal Article
Armed conflict and gendered participation in agrifood systems: Survey evidence from 29 African countries
2025Ronzani, Piero; Stojetz, Wolfgang; Azzarri, Carlo; Nico, Gianluigi; Mane, Erdgin; Brück, Tilman
Journal Article
Building Ethiopia’s food security resilience to climate and hydrological change
2025Murgatroyd, Anna; Thomas, Timothy S.; Koo, Jawoo; Strzepek, Kenneth M.; Hall, Jim
Journal Article
Seed certification, certified seeds use and yield outcomes in Nigeria: Insights from nationally-representative farm panel data and seed company location data
Abdoulaye, Tahirou; Kumar, P. Lava; Wossen, Tesfamicheal
Journal Article
Perspective: Can growth monitoring and promotion accurately diagnose or screen for inadequate growth of individual children? A critical review of the epidemiological foundations
2025Leroy, Jef L.; Brander, Rebecca L.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Larson, Leila M.; Ruel, Marie T.; Avula, Rasmi
Working Paper
Commercialization and dietary diversity of Rwandan smallholder farmers: A focus on women and youth headed households
2025Mukangabo, Emerence; Warner, James
Market monitoring in Rwanda’s rice sector: Insights from recent events
2025Warner, James; Mukamugema, Alice; Mutabazi, Egide; Benimana, Gilberthe
Journal Article
Digital marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children and adolescents: A narrative review
2025Fretes, Gabriela; Veliz, Paula; Narvaez, Ana Maria; Williams, D’Arcy; Sibille, Romain; Arts, Maaike; Leroy, Jef L.
Advancing women's voice and empowerment in the agrifood policy process: Findings and recommendations from the WEAGov India Pilot Study
2025Ragasa, Catherine; Kyle, Jordan; Yasmin, Sabina; Pande, Harshita; Basu, Sampurna; Sharma, Aanshi; Najjar, Dina
Working Paper
Does trade with multinationals induce greener production? Evidence from the Bangladesh fashion industry
2025Iqbal, Kazi; Mahzab, Moogdho; Motohashi, Kazuki; Takayama, Haruka
Working Paper
Unique datasets on shocks, food security, and household coping strategies: Creating new analytical playgrounds to study coping behavior in the multi-shock environments of Mali, Chad, Niger, and Burkina Faso (2018-2023)
2025Marivoet, Wim; Sib, Ollo; Samake, Aliou Badara; Dieme, Ndeye Fatou; Hema, Aboubacar; Doehnert, Federico; Suzuki, Mina
IFPRI Malawi monthly maize market report, January 2025
2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Banda, Chimwemwe
Can district level support enhance coverage and equity? Evidence from India’s nutrition program
Chakrabarti, Suman
Presentation for the Official Launch of the Third School Meal Programs Around the World Report
2025Wineman, Ayala
Journal Article
How helpful are the “hidden costs of food systems” numbers?
2025Brooks, Jonathan; Diaz-Bonilla, Eugenio
Journal Article
The long-run and intergenerational impact of early exposure to the Great Chinese Famine of 1959–61 on mental health
2025Tan, Chih Ming; Zhang, Xiaobo; Zhang, Xin
Methodology [of the PEDAL project]
2025Resnick, Danielle
Journal Article
The effects of prenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation and small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplementation on small vulnerable newborn types in low-income and middle-income countries: A meta-analysis of individual participant data
Ashorn, Ulla; Mridha, Malay Kanti; Arifeen, Shams; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.; Cheng, Yue; Christian, Parul; Costello, Anthony M.; Dewey, Kathryn G.; Friis, Henrik; Gomo, Exnevia; Grais, Rebecca; Guindo, Ousmane; Krebs, Nancy F.; Huybregts, Lieven; Isanaka, Sheila; Lachat, Carl; Lartey, Anna; LeClerq, Steven C.; Maleta, Kenneth; Manandhar, Dharma S.; Martorell, Reynaldo; Matias, Susana L.; McClure, Elizabeth M.; Moore, Sophie E.; Osrin, David; Urassa, Willy; Pembe, Andrea B.; Prentice, Andrew M.; Ramakrishnan, Usha; Rivera, Juan; Rizvi, Arjumand; Roberfroid, Dominique; Shamim, Abu Ahmed; Soofi, Sajid; Schulze, Kerry; West Jr., Keith P.; Wu, Lee; Zeng, Lingxia; Zhu, Zhonghai
Journal Article
Association between wasting and inadequate breastfeeding practices among infants under six months in SNNPR and Somali regions of Ethiopia: A multilevel cross-sectional study
2025Getachew, Bethel; Berhane, Yemane; Dessie, Yadeta; Yallew, Walelegn W.; Berhane, Hanna Y.; Kim, Sunny S.
Blog Post
The connection between climate change and malnutrition
2025Bliznashka, Lilia; Iruhiriye, Elyse
Madagascar assessment
2025Resnick, Danielle
Conditional contracts in indirect local procurement of maize from smallholder farmers in Uganda: A study design to assess impacts
2025Raghunathan, Kalyani; Abate, Gashaw T.; Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Nabwire, Leocardia; Mukangabo, Emerence; Mugabo, Serge; Benin, Samuel
Working Paper
Household coping strategies and food security in the multi-shock environment of Mali
2025Ulimwengu, John M.
Working Paper
Integrated agro-industrial parks in Ethiopia: Status, success and challenges with a focus on Yirgalem IAIP
2025Alemnew, Teklebirhan; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum
Papua New Guinea food price bulletin: January 2025
2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Schmidt, Emily; Kedir Jemal, Mekamu
Presentations for School meals in the 21st century – emerging evidence and future directions
2025Bundy, Donald; Lombardini, Simone; Lerva, Benedetta; Bliznashka, Lilia
Completion report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns
2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture
Synthesis report: Agricultural transformation and market integration in the ASEAN region: Responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns
2025Roy, Devesh; Kamar, Abul; Pradhan, Mamata; Saroj, Sunil
Working Paper
Agrifood value chains in India: A state-level analysis using a social accounting matrix
2025Pal, Barun Deb; Thurlow, James; Pauw, Karl; Diao, Xinshen; Ajmani, Manmeet Singh
Child growth and development in rural Papua New Guinea
2025Mukerjee, Rishabh; Schmidt, Emily
Working Paper
Stakeholder disconnect: Differences between farmers, extension workers, and researchers on preferred strategies for timely wheat sowing in Bihar, India
2025Gupta, Shweta; Kishore, Avinash; Burton, Michael
The case for food system knowledge support system (FS-KSS)
2025Ulimwengu, John M.; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
The case for post Malabo Agenda implementation guidelines
2025Ulimwengu, John M.; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
Comprehensive mapping of food systems is necessary to guide transformation efforts: The case of Rwanda
2025Ulimwengu, John M.; Warner, James; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
Farmers brace for a new round of trade wars
2025Glauber, Joseph W.
IFPRI's approach to research
2025International Food Policy Research Institute
Presentations for Trade disruptions and their impacts on agricultural markets: Looking back and ahead
2025DeVore, Nancy; Al Attal, Hisham; Fofana, Abdou Karim
Can rights-based conditional cash transfers improve children’s nutrition at scale? Evidence from India’s maternity benefit program
2025Ray, Soumyajit; Chakrabarti, Suman; Pal, Sumantra; Nguyen, Phuong Hong; Scott, Samuel P.; Menon, Purnima
Perceived constraints to healthy diets: Evidence from agrifood system assessments in rural South Asia
2025Patwardhan, Sharvari; Chakrabarti, Suman; Choo, Esther M.; Boncyk, Morgan; Blake, Christine; Kim, Sunny S.; Scott, Samuel P.
Intrahousehold dynamics in South Asia: Understanding the relationships between women's empowerment, task sharing, decision making, and diets among women
2025Kumar, Neha; Quisumbing, Agnes; Manohar, Swetha; Banerjee, Archis; Gupta, Shivani; Chauhan, Alka; Patwardhan, Sharvari; Koirala, Uma
IFPRI Malawi monthly maize market report, December 2024
2025International Food Policy Research Institute; Banda, Chimwemwe
Working Paper
Rural diets under pressure: Food environments and their influence on food choice in South Asia
2025Chauhan, Alka; Scott, Samuel P.; Joe, William; Maharjan, Nanda Kumar; Menon, Purnima; Chakrabarti, Suman
Use of fertilizers in agriculture sector of Tajikistan
2025Ashurov, Timur; Khakimov, Parviz; Aliev, Jovidon; Goibov, Manuchehr
Agricultural advisory services in Tajikistan: Private sector role
2025Aliev, Jovidon; Khakimov, Parviz; Ashurov, Timur; Goibov, Manuchehr
Agrifood trade in Tajikistan
2025Khakimov, Parviz; Ashurov, Timur; Aliev, Jovidon; Goibov, Manuchehr
Assessing food acquisition, preparation, and consumption practices in South Asia: A systematic review of assessment tools
2025Patwardhan, Sharvari; Boncyk, Morgan; Avula, Rasmi; Blake, Christine; Akter, Fahmida; Das, Jai K.; Silva, Renuka; Menon, Purnima; Scott, Samuel P.
Working Paper
The political economy of food self sufficiency policies and food security in African countries
2025Bouët, Antoine; Traoré, Fousseini; Mamboundou, Pierre; Diop, Insa; Sy, Abdourahmane
Agriculture sector reform and sectoral programs in Tajikistan
2025Goibov, Manuchehr; Khakimov, Parviz; Ashurov, Timur; Aliev, Jovidon
What adults in rural South Asia eat and when they eat it: Evidence from Bangladesh, India, and Nepal
2025Scott, Samuel P.; Patwardhan, Sharvari; Ruel, Marie T.; Chakrabarti, Suman; Neupane, Sumanta; Manohar, Swetha; Moursi, Mourad; Menon, Purnima
Journal Article
Does rural non-farm employment relieve or exacerbate the agricultural diversification-farm efficiency tradeoff: The case of aquaculture in Bangladesh
2025Abaidoo, Eric; Belton, Ben; Reardon, Thomas; Jin, Songqing; Malone, Trey
Journal Article
Determinants and impacts of contract farming: Evidence from cultivation of onion, okra and pomegranate in Maharashtra, India
2025Kumar, Anjani; Roy, Devesh; Tripathi, Gaurav; Joshi, Pramod Kumar
Journal Article
Polycentric governance of commons through multi-stakeholder platforms: Insights from two case studies in India
2025ElDidi, Hagar; Rawat, Shivanyaa; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Chaturvedi, Rahul; Sanil, Richu
Journal Article
Levelling the field: A review of the ICT revolution and agricultural extension in the Global South
2025Khan, Rashid Parvez; Gupta, Saurabh; Daum, Thomas; Birner, Regina; Ringler, Claudia
Journal Article
Biofortification as a food-based strategy to improve nutrition in high-income countries: A scoping review
2025Gulyas, Boglarka Z.; Mogeni, Brenda; Jackson, Peter; Walton, Jenny; Caton, Samantha J.
Journal Article
Designing and implementing experiments within local bureaucratic systems: A cautionary tale from an educator incentive program
2025Asad, Saher; Habib, Masooma; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Kosec, Katrina; Leaver, Clare; ur Rehman, Attique
Journal Article
Neonatal mortality risk of vulnerable newborns by fine stratum of gestational age and birthweight for 230 679 live births in nine low- and middle-income countries, 2000-2017.
Baqui, Abdullah H; Saha, Samir K; Ahmed, Salahuddin; Roy, Arunangshu Dutta; Silveira, Mariângela F; Buffarini, Romina; Shapiro, Roger; Zash, Rebecca; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lachat, Carl; Huybregts, Lieven; Roberfroid, Dominique; Zhu, Zhonghai; Zeng, Lingxia; Gebreyesus, Seifu H; Tesfamariam, Kokeb; Adu-Afarwuah, Seth; Dewey, Kathryn G; Gyaase, Stephaney; Poku-Asante, Kwaku; Boamah Kaali, Ellen; Jack, Darby; Ravilla, Thulasiraj; Tielsch, James; Taneja, Sunita; Chowdhury, Ranadip; Ashorn, Per; Maleta, Kenneth; Ashorn, Ulla; Mangani, Charles; Mullany, Luke C; Khatry, Subarna K; Ramokolo, Vundli; Zembe-Mkabile, Wanga; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Wang, Dongqing; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Minja, Daniel; Msemo, Omari Abdul; Lusingu, John P A; Smith, Emily R; Masanja, Honorati; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Keentupthai, Paniya; Kakuru, Abel; Kajubi, Richard; Semrau, Katherine; Hamer, Davidson H; Manasyan, Albert; Pry, Jake M; Chasekwa, Bernard; Humphrey, Jean; Black, Robert E
Journal Article
Food transfers, cash transfers, behavior change communication and child nutrition: Evidence from Bangladesh
2025Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John F.; Roy, Shalini
Journal Article
Diets, fruit and vegetables consumption, and nutritional status in Benin: A scoping review
2025Bliznashka, Lilia; Pather, Kamara; Mitchodigni, Irene M.; Hess, Sonja Y.; Olney, Deanna K.
Journal Article
Using a list experiment to measure intimate partner violence: Cautionary evidence from Ethiopia
2025Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Leight, Jessica; Tambet, Heleene
Journal Article
Prospects of crop insurance for sustenance of farmers' livelihood during GM cotton crop failure in Indian Punjab
2025Kaur, Sandeep; Singh, Harpreet; Roy, Devesh; Singh, Hardeep
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of National Seminar on Regulations and Governance Issues in India’s Seed Sector
2025Dadlani, Narendra
Journal Article
Conflicts, crop choice, and agricultural investments: Empirical evidence from Nigeria
2025Amare, Mulubrhan; Abay, Kibrom A.; Berhane, Guush; Andam, Kwaw S.; Adeyanju, Dolapo
Journal Article
The role of industrial clustering: From layoff to self-employment after the Chinese state-owned enterprise reform
2025Zhang, Yunfei; Chen, Kevin Z.
Opinion Piece
Relapse after recovery from acute malnutrition
2025Bliznashka, Lilia
Journal Article
Does aid induce foreign direct investment: Updated evidence from a quasi-experiment
2025Tian, Junyan
Journal Article
Caste, religion and the labor force participation of women: Evidence from India
2025Alvi, Muzna
Journal Article
Technology intensification and farmers’ welfare: A case study from Karnataka, a semi-arid state of India
2025Kapoor, Shreya; Pal, Barun Deb; Singhal, Aditi; Anantha, K.H.
Journal Article
The minimum dietary diversity for women indicator can be extended to children and adolescents aged 4-15 years as a proxy population indicator for good micronutrient adequacy of diets in low- and middle-income countries
Olney, Deanna K.; Becquey, Elodie
Journal Article
Sustainable poverty reduction through social assistance: Modality, context, and complementary programming in Bangladesh
2025Ahmed, Akhter; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John; Kolt, Bastien; Roy, Shalini; Tauseef, Salauddin
Journal Article
Resilience in technical efficiency and enabling factors: Insights from panel farm enterprise surveys in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
2025Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Djanibekov, Nodir; Abduvalieva, Nilufar; Mirkasimov, Bakhrom; Akramov, Kamiljon T.
Journal Article
Governance and resilience as entry points for transforming food systems in the countdown to 2030
Masuda, Yuta J.; McLaren, Rebecca; Saisana, Michaela; Aburto, Nancy; Ambikapathi, Ramya; Rodriguez, Mariana Arellano; Barquera, Simon; Battersby, Jane; Beal, Ty; Béné, Christophe; Cafiero, Carlo; Campeau, Christine; Caron, Patrick; Cattaneo, Cattaneo; Candel, Jeroen; Covic, Namukolo; del Pino Alvarez, Inmaculada; Barreto, Ana Paula Dominguez; Elouafi, Ismahane; Frazier, Tyler J.; Fremier, Alexander; Foley, Pat; Golden, Christopher D.; Fischer, Carlos Gonzalez; Guarin, Alejandro; Hendriks, Sheryl; Herforth, Anna; Honorati, Maddalena; Huang, Jikun; Getaneh, Yonas; Kennedy, Gina; Laar, Amos; Lal, Rattan; Lidder, Preetmoninder; Feye, Getachew Legese; Loken, Brent; Malapit, Hazel J.; Marshall, Quinn; Mulatu, Kalkidan A.; Munguia, Ana; Nordhagen, Stella; Resnick, Danielle; Suhardiman, Diana; Sumaila, U. Rashid; Sun, Bangyao; Mengesha, Belay Terefe; Cullen, Maximo Torero; Tubiello, Francesco N.; Dooren, Corné van; Morales, Isabel Valero; Vivero-Pol, Jose-Luis; Webb, Patrick; Wiebe, Keith D.; Haddad, Lawrence; Herrero, Mario; Moncayo, Jose Rosero; Fanzo, Jessica
Journal Article
Shocks and stability of risk and time preferences among poor rural households in Ethiopia
2025Meles, Tensay Hadush; Abay, Mehari Hiluf; Berhane, Guush; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum
Journal Article
Assessing global price shocks and mitigation policies on welfare and food security in Nigeria
2025Mamboundou, Pierre; Escalante, Luis Enrique; Omoju, Oluwasola Emmanuel
Journal Article
Diets, fruit and vegetable intake and nutritional status among children, adolescents and adults in the Philippines: A scoping review
2025Smith, Taryn J.; Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Goyena, Eva; Gelli, Aulo; Olney, Deanna K.
Journal Article
Vulnerability of Nigerian maize traders to a confluence of climate, violence, disease and cost shocks
2025Vargas, Carolina M.; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Reardon, Thomas
Journal Article
Information framing effects on diet choices among Chinese urban residents
2025Chen, Kevin Z.; Yu, Luyun; Lin, Wen; Ortega, David L.
Journal Article
Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises
Robin, Libby; Talbot-Jones, Julia; Wheeler, Sarah Ann; Avarado, Fabiola; Hope, Robert; Biswas, Asit K.; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Brouwer, Roy; Costanza, Robert; Kubiszewski, Ida; Kompas, Tom; McDonnell, Rachael; Martins, Rita; Nikolakis, William; Rollason, Russell; Samnakay, Nadeem; Scanlon, Bridget R.; Svensson, Jesper; Thiam, Djiby; Tortajada, Cecilia; Wang, Yahua
Journal Article
What do urban consumers want? Findings from a discrete choice experiment on the preference for locally produced staple food in Central Africa: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
2025Thontwa, Sarah K.; De Weerdt, Joachim; Van Passel, Steven
Journal Article
Does participation in mining activities affect the profitability of food crops production? Evidence from Ghana
2025Wongnaa, Camillus Abawiera; Kudzinawu, Christopher; Nti, Emmanuel Kwame; Babu, Suresh Chandra
Journal Article
The effect of prenatal balanced energy and protein supplementation on gestational weight gain: An individual participant data meta-analysis in low- and middle-income countries
Argaw, Alemayehu; Ariff, Shabina; Bhandari, Nita; Chowdhury, Ranadip; Erchick, Daniel; García-Guerra, Armando; Ghaffarpour, Masoumah; Hanley-Cook, Giles; Huybregts, Lieven; Jehan, Fyezah; Kaseb, Fatemeh; Krebs, Nancy F.; Lachat, Carl; Lama, Tsering Pema; Manandhar, Dharma S.; McClure, Elizabeth M.; Moore, Sophie E.; Muhammad, Ameer; Neufeld, Lynnette M.; Prentice, Andrew M.; Quezada-Sánchez, Amado D.; Roberfroid, Dominique; Saville, Naomi M.; Shafiq, Yasir; Shrestha, Bhim P.; Sonko, Bakary; Soofi, Sajid; Taneja, Sunita; Tielsch, James M.; Toe, Laéticia Céline; Valaei, Naser; Fawzi, Wafaie W.
Journal Article
In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar
2025Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; van Asselt, Joanna; Aung, Zin Wai
Journal Article
Adoption and impact of hybrid rice in India: Evidence from a large-scale field survey
2025Negi, Digvijay Singh; Kumar, Anjani; Birthal, Pratap Singh; Tripathi, Gaurav
Journal Article
Rural underemployment and urbanisation: Insights from a 9-year panel from Malawi
2025Van Cappellen, Hanne; De Weerdt, Joachim
Journal Article
Methods for estimating beneficiary populations targeted by health and nutrition interventions for women, pregnant women, infants, and young children
2025Gune, Soyra; Nguyen, Phuong; Chakrabarti, Suman
Journal Article
Men can cook: Effectiveness of a men’s engagement intervention to change attitudes and behaviors in rural Ethiopia
2025Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Leight, Jessica; Mulford, Michael; Tambet, Heleene
Journal Article
Diet quality and micronutrient intakes in nutritional value chains: A synthesis and suggestions for further research
2025Meenakshi, J.V.; Quisumbing, Agnes R.
Journal Article
Using best-worst scaling to inform agroecological interventions in Western Kenya
2025Zander, Kerstin K.; Drucker, Adam G.; Aluso, Lillian; Mengistu, Dejene K.; Fadda, Carlo; Termote, Céline; Davis, Kristin E.
Journal Article
Economic impacts of large dams on downstream brickmaking in developing countries
2025Basheer, Mohammed; Elnour, Zuhal; Siddig, Khalid; Grethe, Harald
Journal Article
The political economy of agroecological transitions: Key analytical dimensions
2025McKay, Ben M.; Nehring, Ryan; Catacora-Vargas, Georgina
Journal Article
Intensive and extensive margins of India's agricultural trade: implications for export diversification and development
2025Elumalai, Kanan; Kumar, Anjani
Journal Article
Evaluating the gendered credit constraints and uptake of an insurance-linked credit product among smallholder farmers in Kenya
2025Timu, Anne G.; Shee, Apurba; Ward, Patrick S.; You, Liangzhi